¿Cómo proceder frente a un daño con nuestro vehículo?

¿Cómo proceder frente a un daño con nuestro vehículo?

Muchas veces contratamos un seguro para nuestro vehículo porque sabemos lo importante que es, que nos protege frente a distintos desperfectos que pueden suceder en cualquier momento; pero en algunas ocasiones no sabemos cómo accionar cuando esto sucede. Pues aquí te ayudamos para que sepas como proceder ante un evento desafortunado con tu coche.

Para tu tranquilidad, ingresa una denuncia por algún accidente es más sencillo de lo que crees. Ten en cuenta que cualquier persona puede sufrir un accidente, incluso tomando todas las precauciones, por eso es esencial contar con una protección correcta para ti y tu familia.

Ante un accidente, primero, comunícate con tu aseguradora lo antes posible para informar el accidente y comenzar con el proceso.

Te dejamos un listado de las situaciones más frecuentes en que se ingresa una denuncia:

  • Robo o hurto
  • Daño por accidente
  • Daño de vidrios y cerraduras
  • Daños causados ​​por un evento no relacionado con un accidente (como incendios o granizo)

Siempre recuerda tener el teléfono de tu compañía de seguros, pues, en cuanto te comunicas, puedes iniciar el reclamo y te orientarán en cómo proseguir.

También hay cierta información que vas a necesitar:

  • Lugar, fecha y hora del accidente
  • numero de poliza o patente del auto
  • Nombre completo y cédula de identidad
  • Nombres y datos de contacto de todos los testigos, pasajeros y conductores de los vehículos involucrados
  • Datos de los demás vehículos involucrados en el accidente (número de patente, marca del auto, modelo y compañía de seguros)

Una vez que el trámite de denuncia esté comenzado tu aseguradora deberá investigar la situación, analizar varios sucesos que pueden ocurrir en el accidente, etc. 

Ahora bien, siempre revise su póliza a detalle, consulte el procedimiento para presentar una denuncia ante un accidente y póngase en contacto con el área de siniestros si necesita ayuda.

Llevando a cabo el procedimiento correcto no deberías tener problemas ni demoras necesarias y, así, podrás disfrutar de tu auto nuevamente con total tranquilidad.

¡Consulta nuestros seguros de auto y comienza a viajar tranquilo!

📞 (855) 897-1938


Can Comprehensive Car Insurance Help When You Borrow Someone Else’s Car?

Can Comprehensive Car Insurance Help When You Borrow Someone Else’s Car?

Let’s say you are out of a car for the week because yours is in the shop. However, you still need to make it work. What do you do? Luckily, your close friend is gracious enough to lend you their vehicle. You now have a car to borrow the whole week. However, one thing is left to ponder. Are you covered by car insurance? Here at Trueway Insurance, our team is experts on comprehensive car insurance. We specialize in affordable insurance for Palm Springs. 


It Follows The Car

If you are driving your friend’s vehicle, and your friend has valid insurance for that vehicle, then you should be covered. That’s because car insurance typically follows the car – not the driver.


In other words, when you lend your car to a friend, you’re not just lending your vehicle to that friend; you’re also lending your car insurance. Your car insurance policy extends to cover your friend. If your friend gets into an accident while driving your vehicle, then your car insurance would be the primary liability. Your car insurance would cover the costs of the accident.


Will Your Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover Another Car?

There are certain situations where your own car insurance policy will come into effect when driving a friend’s vehicle.


Let’s say you and your friend both have car insurance. You drive your friend’s car and get into an accident. Your friend’s car insurance policy is the primary coverage, which means it covers all expenses first up to the limits of the policy.


If the costs of the accident exceed the limits of your friend’s insurance policy, however, then your own car insurance policy could come into play. In this situation, your friend’s car insurance would be entirely used up first, and then your own car insurance would cover any remaining expenses, up to the limits of your policy.


Who is Covered In Your Car?

Your car insurance should follow the car whenever somebody else is driving your vehicle, assuming the other person has permission to drive your vehicle.


Your car insurance will only extend to non-excluded drivers. If an excluded driver drives your vehicle with your permission, then your car insurance may be voided.


Generally, you have to manually exclude certain drivers from your policy in order for them to no longer be covered by car insurance. You might exclude your spouse after she gets a DUI, for example, because it would raise insurance premiums. If your spouse is excluded from your insurance policy, then your spouse will not be covered when driving your vehicle.


Call Us For Affordable Insurance 

We want you to have comprehensive car insurance! Trueway Insurance is an insurance company located in Lake Worth. We offer the best affordable insurance in Palm Springs. This includes those looking for cheap home insurance. We are here to provide quality for our customers because we believe in the power that insurance can have in any person’s life. If you are interested in learning more about what we can do for you or you have further questions regarding notaries and how they play a part in the insurance process, contact us. We hope you find the information you need here but if not please give us a call at (561) 318-5540. Take advantage of one of the best commercial auto insurance today!


Cheap Car Insurance: Will Your Rates Go Down?

Cheap Car Insurance: Will Your Rates Go Down?

If you pay 150 for car insurance, do you expect to pay that 150 for the rest of your life? Does that number ever go down? Here at Trueway Insurance, we have all the information you need when it comes to cheap car insurance. When it comes to commercial auto insurance, we are the ones to trust. 


How Does It Go Down?

There are plenty of ways for car insurance to go down over time. Here are the most common reasons why insurance rates will go down:

  • Getting older
    • A teenage driver is in the highest risk class for making an insurance claim. Inexperienced, teenage drivers have the highest accident risk. 
  • Moving to a new home or state
    • Car insurance companies calculate insurance premiums using your ZIP code. Some neighborhoods are associated with a high number of accidents or break-ins. Moving out of a crowded, dangerous big city into the safer suburbs, for example, can cause car insurance prices to drop significantly.
  • Maintaining a safe driving record
    • If you cause an accident or make a claim, your car insurance rates will rise. If you get a speeding ticket or a DUI, then your insurance premiums should also rise.
  • Buying a home or building your insurance policies
    • Buying a home for the first time can cause car insurance premiums to drop. You might buy home insurance and car insurance from the same insurance company, allowing you to enjoy a bundling discount. 
  • Getting married
    • If you and your spouse combine your car insurance policies into one policy, then you will likely pay less overall for car insurance.
  • Switching to a new car insurance company
    • America’s car insurance industry is very competitive. Wherever you’re located in the country, you should have plenty of car insurance providers from which to choose. Switching to a new car insurance company can cause rates to drop over time substantially.


We Offer Cheap Car Insurance 

Looking for one of the most reliable and affordable insurance companies near me? Look no further. As an independent insurance agency, TrueWay Insurance takes pride in offering superior customer service. Let us assist you in finding the coverage for your car insurance, home insurance, and business insurance needs. We sell insurance anywhere in the state of Florida, including Miami, Broward, Palm Beach, and Lucie County. 


Call Us For Commercial Auto Insurance 

We want you to have cheap car insurance! Trueway Insurance is an insurance company located in Lake Worth. We offer the best affordable insurance in Florida. This includes those looking for cheap home insurance. We are here to provide quality for our customers because we believe in the power that insurance can have in any person’s life. If you are interested in learning more about what we can do for you or you have further questions regarding notaries and how they play a part in the insurance process, contact us. We hope you find the information you need here but if not please give us a call at (561) 318-5540. Take advantage of one of the best commercial auto insurance today!


Car Insurance – Avoiding Deadly Distractions

Car Insurance – Avoiding Deadly Distractions

When it comes to safe driving, there’s quite a bit more than simply avoiding texting. There are many types of distracted drivers, and distracted driving can cause thousands of accidents every single year, with many of these accidents being fatal. While you may not be able to prevent other drivers from being distracted, when it comes to your own driving, distractions can be avoidable. There are many different kinds of distracted drivers, and today there are more distractions than ever. Even if you consider yourself a relatively safe driver and are not in the realm of distracted drivers today, you may end up becoming a distracted driver at any minute- all it takes is for you to answer a phone call, or check on the kids making a fuss in the back seat. Read on to learn more about the dangers of distracted driving, and how you should be able to avoid such dangerous habits. Trueway Insurance sells car insurance in Lake Worth that residents trust. Call Trueway Insurance today for a consultation regarding your commercial auto insurance needs!


The Dangers of Distracted Driving


Many drivers may be thinking, “I can talk on  my phone and drive perfectly well.” But before you say that, take a look at the following statistics. In 2016 alone, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and U.S. Department of Transportation announced that nearly 400,000 people were injured in crashes as a result of distracted driving. In the year prior, more than 3,400 were killed. And distracted driving is about more than just texting, as well. Although texting while driving maybe the most dangerous distraction, there are also many other types of distractions that are able to affect the ways that you drive, whether you’re aware of it or not, and can also be just as deadly. Some examples of things that are able to distract drivers on the road include: Chatting on the phone, even with a hands-free device, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, reading (even maps), and changing the music.


Here For Your Car Insurance Needs


According to the NHTSA, younger drivers have been deemed as the age group in which distracted driving is the most common. Distractions are more prevalent than ever- nearly 800 billion text messages are sent in the U.S. every month- there are a few things to keep in mind before you get behind the wheel.

  • Avoid using your phone
  • Eat before you leave, or wait until after you arrive
  • Know where you’re going before you leave the  house
  • Discuss safe driving with your family
  • Watch for other distracted drivers


To protect against the dangers of distracted driving, Trueway Insurance is here for your commercial auto insurance needs.


Contact Us Today


There are many distractions that can occur when we are driving, which can cause terrible accidents. It can only take a moment of distracted driving to cause a fatality, and there are ever more distractions in the world than ever before. Trueway Insurance is a top car insurance provider in the Lake Worth area. To protect yourself against distracted driving and other dangers on the road, call Trueway Insurance for your commercial auto insurance needs today!


What Determines Your Car Insurance Rate? Find Out!

What Determines Your Car Insurance Rate? Find Out!

Did you ever stop to think about what determines your car insurance rate? When you are getting auto insurance quotes, you may notice that you get different offers from different providers so you may be confused by this and wonder how each company figures out what price to give you. Trueway Insurance in Palm Springs wants you to be able to understand and know where they get their price from. Keep reading to find out what things go into determining what rate you’ll get.


What Determines Your Car Insurance Rate?

It’s easy to get confused about why you get different prices for auto insurance quotes from different companies. It may seem like each provider chooses your rate randomly in actuality car insurance companies determine your rates based on data that tell them how much of a risk you are as a driver and how likely it would be that they’d have to pay a claim to you.


A few things that determine the rate an insurance company gives you are your age, gender, location, the type of vehicle you drive, your marital status, location, accident history, annual mileage, and credit score. If a company thinks you are more likely to be paid a claim that was your fault they are going to charge you more for your insurance policy. If you get an insurance quote that is higher than you’d like to pay there are ways you could lower the price. You could increase your deductible, lower your coverage (which isn’t something that’s recommended), take a safe driving course, have the most up to date safety features in your car, improve your driving record, move to a more rural area, drive fewer miles, or raise your credit score. Each of the contributing factors that determine your insurance rate weigh differently. For example, your marital status won’t affect your claim probability as much as your location does so when insurers are looking at all of these factors they will affect their decisions differently. Not only does each factor weigh differently each individual company weighs them different as well. That is why although these factors don’t change for you with each company you get a quote from the price of each companies policy will. What does this mean? For instance, if one insurance company has fewer claims for the model of care you have they will offer you a lower rate than another auto insurance company that had a lot of claims for the type of car you drive. Because all of the companies calculate rates differently, it is essential to shop around for the best possible rate. One provider may have fewer claims for your model vehicle, and in turn, offer a lower rate than another auto insurer. Due to different calculations by each car insurance company, it’s essential to shop around to get the best price possible.


There are obviously things you can’t control like your age or gender, but the factors that you can control you should make sure you’re paying attention to. You want to keep a clean driving record, buy a vehicle that won’t cause your insurance to skyrocket, and make sure you pick the right coverage for your needs. Also, you need to remember that just because you don’t have perfect rating factors doesn’t mean you can’t get better rates from different companies.


Contact Us

Trueway Insurance is a leading insurance provider of auto insurance quotes in the Palm Springs area. We are here to help our customers obtain affordable insurance and make sure they are getting the best car insurance rate. If you’re tired of getting an insurance quote from multiple providers, call or visit us today for more information.

Get the Best Car Insurance in Florida – What To Do If An Animal Runs In Front of Your Car

Get the Best Car Insurance in Florida – What To Do If An Animal Runs In Front of Your Car

Living in Florida it is quite common you will come across a lot of wildlife when you take a ride in your car. You will often see everything from deers and raccoons, to gators and turtles. It is very to strike one of these animals if you are not paying attention behind the wheel. At Trueway Insurance, we offer the best car insurance in Florida to help you when these types of situations occur. We also offer the best car insurance quotes in Palm Springs.


It’s The Truth

According to the Vice President at GreatFlorida Insurance, Ellsworth Buck, he stated the following: “When driving at night, it is almost impossible to avoid a collision once an animal steps or jumps onto the roadway.” This is very true. The U.S. Department of Transportation claims that one to two million collisions involving a car occurs every year due to large animals.


There was also a study from the U.S. Department of Transportation that analyzed the number of animal-related insurance losses for the years of 2014 to 2017. It reported that the claims went up over six percent over the four-year period. The most common animals involved in auto collisions include deer, raccoon, dog, turkey, coyote, with deer being the most frequent victim. Additional animals often struck by cars in Florida include the alligator, Florida panther, black bear, and birds.

If you unexpectedly come upon an animal in the road while driving, experts advise not swerving. Consequences could be more severe if you hit an oncoming vehicle. It is recommended to hit your brakes, honk the horn and duck low behind the dashboard.


We Offer The Best Car Insurance in Florida

Trueway Insurance has been providing excellent services to the community since 2012. Our goal is to establish a lasting relationship with our clients, this can only be achieved by providing reliable services while saving thousands of dollars in your Auto, Home and Business insurance.


Jose Lamazares has been in the real estate services business in the Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach, and Wellington real estate markets for many successful years, and will be here for many more. This longevity and confidence comes from my real estate services to a great many buyers and sellers, and their recommendations to others that result in repeat and referral business that keeps me productive and successful. Contact Jose Lamazares today!


Call Us Today For Car Insurance Quotes

Trueway Insurance is an insurance company located in Palm Springs. We offer the best car insurance in Florida. This includes those looking for cheap car insurance. We are here to provide quality for our customers because we believe in the power that insurance can have in any person’s life. If you are interested in learning more about what we can do for you or you have further questions regarding notaries and how they play a part in the insurance process, contact us. We hope you find the information you need here but if not please give us a call at (561) 318-5540. Get car insurance quotes today!